Our team specialises in tax planning and business advice for small to medium sized business. We provide our clients with the following services:
We are committed to giving our clients quality professional advice and support. Please contact us to arrange for a review of your business affairs to ensure you are structured as efficiently as possible.
How's your business anatomy?
Do you know the internal health of your business? Is it robust or is there an as yet undetectable flaw that is undermining its capacity to reach its full potential?
If you're like many other small business proprietors, you won't know the answers – and for good reason. You will probably be so enmeshed in the
day-to-day pressures of running your business that you simply do not have
the time to look deeper than costs, revenue and tax.
But, to be sure that your business is on the right track, to be sure that it is actually making an adequate profit in relation to the investment and effort
you are putting into it, you should put your business through an analytical internal appraisal.
Our Business Evaluation Service
In order to prepare a thorough appraisal, we will analyse your business and look into your strengths and weaknesses and compare with similar business. Then, we will categorise various activities of your business and examine the overhead costs and the profit of each category. In other words, we draw the "inside picture" or measurement of your business.
This appraisal will tell you which of your products and services are pulling their weight and which are not.
> Tax and Business Planning |
Our taxation consulting service encompasses partnerships, trusts, companies and superannuation funds. We believe in consulting with our clients on a regular basis to review business and investment structures, investments, borrowings and how the borrowings are structured, business operational and management issues and the effectiveness of these issues in relation to achieving the optimum taxation position.
Call us to discuss your current structure and how it can be improved to achieve your optimum taxation position.
> Budgeting and Business Management |
We can save you time and reduce your stress level with our business management services. We offer :
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Preparation of budget and monthly accounts. |
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Preparation and lodgment of business Activity Statements (BAS). |
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Preparation and lodgment of all necessary taxation and employment
registrations. |
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Advising on and setting up your record keeping systems. |
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Ensuring all your compliance obligations are up to date for all
statutory authorities. |
Whether it’s to enable business growth, refinancing or updating of resources, securing finance is an important but often complicated process.
We can help you assess available finance options to determine the most appropriate source for your situation, and prepare an accurate and thorough finance application.
The New South Wales Government imposes an annual charge on land owned in New South Wales on 31 December each year.
Other states have similar charges but there is no aggregation of land tax where land is held in more than one state. New South Wales land tax is only charged
on New South Wales land.
Land tax is levied as a percentage of the value of the land held at 31 December. All land is valued annually for land tax purposes with the value being determined by 1 July immediately preceding each tax year. Individuals, partnerships, trusts, companies and superannuation funds are all liable for land tax.
We can manage your land tax affairs. Please contact us. |